About TSW Nursery Sales
TSW Nursery is a growing nursery that works with Wholesalers, Growers, Retailers, Architects, Designers and Landscape companies. TSW Nursery Sales originally started as a wholesale brokerage business and has now expanded into a grower as well. We currently have over 45 acres of growing grounds and working to develop more! Check in to see all the new updates around the nurseries!
TSW Nursery Sales offers a range of services to professionals in any facet of the Nursery/Landscaper companies

Need plants for a large project? Contract grow with TSW Nursery Sales to ensure your plants will be top quality and ready when you need them!

Have jobs to bid? Send us your plant plans! We offer full service to landscapers. Starting with the bidding process, we will send you a personal bid for the project, recommend plants to substitute if a plant is not available or a good match for your area! From there, we will take care of the hassle of getting whatever plants you need for your project together, labeled, and ready to ship!

Looking to stock your nursery? Look no further than TSW Nursery Sales. We have a wide range of premium plants! We offer custom tagging, pricing, and more for your business. We always make sure the material we ship is number one quality and something that will stand out within your store!